Metal Sisters

Masters' final project (2022)
In collaboration with Yomara Linares Navarro


Metal is a musical genre often perceived as overly masculine and leaving little space for women, especially on stage. Moreover, the few women up on stage are frequently dismissed as “less serious” than their masculine peers.
Our project aims at raising awareness about the lack of representation and promotion of female musicians in metal, and helping them find other women to play with.

Metal Sisters is a fictitious organization whose missions are:
-To raise awareness about the lack of women in extreme music
-To promote women’s bands
-To create and maintain a sense of sisterhood among those involved.

This project spreads across multiple digital and physical supports: an app, which, akin to a dating app, allows female musicians to find bands to join, or helps bands finding musicians; an interactive website bringing to light the blatant under-representation of women in the metal scenes through a series of poster; and a few goodies such as festival cups, patches and stickers.

Teaser (in French) (Password: metalsisters)
Metal Sisters app Metal Sisters app Metal Sisters site Metal Sisters affiche Metal Sisters affiche
Metal Sisters gobelet Metal Sisters gobelet Metal Sisters patch Metal Sisters poster Metal Sisters sticker Metal Sisters app